Write for Us- Online Fashion, Beauty, and Garden Furniture Guest Posting

Write For Us

Here at Savemydiscounts, we welcome all the great and talented writers looking to submit their guest posts on various niches, including fashion, skincare, home improvement, garden furniture, and health products. Your content topic should relate to our website. By contributing your article or blog at Savemydiscounts, you will get both No-Follow, and Do-Follow links (depending upon the quality of the content). It can help you improve your SERP ranking and build your internet reputation. Share your article at (email) and get a high-quality link for your content.

Read the Guidelines for Submitting Your Guest Posts

Every writer must agree to our guest blogging policies and the small number of themes we accept on our website if they wish to ‘‘Write for Us’’. You can think of these rules as the template for all the information on our website, and it can be a good practice to write your material by these rules. By creating your content following the recommendations provided below, you can put your abilities to the test and improve as a writer.

  • The word count of the article should be a minimum of 1000+ words
  • Copied content will be rejected
  • Send in content that is free of spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Spun stuff won't be approved
  • SEO-friendly content
  • To be published, there must be photos pertinent to the material.
  • Following upload, we are allowed to edit your content as necessary.
  • Following the publication of your post on our website, you will receive the live URL.

Submit Guest Posts on the Following Niche:

  1. Automotive
  2. Baby & Kids
  3. Books & Magazines
  4. Computers & Software
  5. Department Store
  6. Education
  7. Entertainment
  8. Electronics
  9. Fashion & Clothing
  10. Flowers & Gifts
  11. Food & Beverage
  12. Games & Toys
  13. Internet Services
  14. Health & Beauty
  15. Home & Garden
  16. Photography
  17. Pets & Accessories
  18. Jewellery & Watches
  19. Office Supplies
  20. Sports & Outdoors
  21. Telecommunications
  22. Travel
  23. Utilities

Top Categories of SaveMyDiscount

At Savemydiscounts, you can write on any of our categories and submit it to use. However, some top categories can increase your approval chances of the guest post. Below you will learn about our top categories on this ‘‘Write for Us’’ page.

Write for Us Fashion

If you’re looking for Write for Fashion, Savemydiscounts is a great website to submit your content. Our many visitors can find your content engaging and informative since many of them love to read about fashion.

Write for Us Beauty

Submit quality content in our Write for Beauty category, and get a natural link from our website. By contributing, your content will be visible to people from all around the world.

Write for Us Garden Furniture

If you’re a talented writer and love to write about garden furniture, then you’re content to have a very high chance of being published on this site. Add some of the best ideas to style garden furniture in the outdoor space.

Find Our ‘‘Write for Us’’ Page on the Google.com

Search the Following Keywords on the SERP For Guest Post

  • “write for us” + Fashion
  • “write for us” + Travel
  • “write for us” + Health
  • “write for us” + Technology
  • “write for us” + Sports
  • “write for us” + Fashion
  • “guest posting”, “write for us” + “keyword
  • intitle:Fashion + “”submit Guest Post
  • inurl:/contributor + “home decor”
  • Submit Guest Post + “Keyword”
  • “write for us”
  • “submit an article”/”submit a guest post”
  • “contribute guest post”
  • “contribute to our blog”
  •  “become a guest blogger”
  • “guest blogging guidelines”
  • “contributor guidelines

List of Verified Advanced Search Queries For Guest Post Sites

  1. Fashion intitle:”write for us”
  2. Travel intitle:”write for me”
  3. Home decor  intitle:”contribute to”
  4. Beauty intitle:”submit” + inurl:blog
  5. Wellness“submit a guest post”
  6. Skincare inurl:/guest-post/
  7. Sports“guest post”
  8. Photography “guest post by”
  9. Furniture “accepting guest posts”
  10. Automotive “guest post guidelines”
  11. Watches “guest author”
  12. Jewellery “guest article”
  13. Cothing “guest column”
  14. Technology “become a contributor”
  15. inpostauthor:guest fashion wear
  16. inpostauthor:”guest blog” online shopping
  17. inpostauthor:”guest post” Affiliate Marketing

How to Submit Your Content at SaveMyDiscounts?

After explaining the procedure for creating a guest post, we should explain how you can send us your content. Send your work to SaveMyDiscounts@ if you're interested in contributing to our website. We'll get in touch with you shortly.  
